Research Paper Example Some of the current issues facing Iran both locally and internationally are clearly outlined. The pressures facing the country as it seeks part and belonging to a global community are also included. Furthermore, this paper aims to research and examine the Iranian history of the 20th century identifying the major events during that period that may have a direct impact on its development. Reviewing the current economic system and how it reflects the country’s history and culture. While civilization in Iran dates back to 2800 BC, the Persian Empire peaked during the sixth century under the rule of Cyrus the Great. Two centuries later, the Greeks, led by Alexander the Great, overcome the Persians leading to the emergence of western thought over the east. Persians were converted to Islam in the seventh century AD (Eldon & Hooglund, 2008). More than 800 years later, the Safavid dynasty embraced the Shia branch of Islam causing a lasting rift with the majority Sunnis. Different forces struggled for power over the course of the next centuries.