Blemishes in Hawthornes Short Stories All through his works Young Goodman Brown, The Minister's Black Veil, and The Birth-Mark, Nathaniel Hawthorne utilizes imagery to show that all people are innately defective and are corrupt ordinarily, and shows the exercise that you can not fixate on it or attempt to vanquish the idea of our characteristic flaws since it will prompt implosion. Every story has images that speak to humanity's intrinsic blemishes, for example, the notable individuals in Goodman Browns' life that are a piece of the Devil's people group, the cover, and the pigmentation. Through every one of these images, the characters Goodman Brown, the Minister, and Aylmer perceive that everybody is normally imperfect, and can't release this information. Knowing this influences them profoundly and makes every one of them wind up living tragic and forlorn lives. Hawthorne utilizes these accounts to show us not to fixate on the way that everybody is normally defective as these characters did.