Albert Einstein Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm Germany. He lived there with his parents, Herman and Pauline. After a year in Ulm, due to the failure of his father's electrical and engineering workshop, the Einstein family moved to Munich (the capital of Bavaria), where after a year in residence there, Einstein's mother had Maja, Einstein's sister. Despite the fact that he was Jewish, from age five until age ten, Einstein attended a Catholic School near his home. But, at age 10, Einstein was transferred to the "Luitpold Gymnasium," where Latin, Greek, History, and Geography were pounded into childrens' heads. His parents wanted him to finish school, get his diploma so he could go to a University, and then become an electrical engineer. But Einstein had other Ideas for his future. Einstein's father wanted him to attend a university but he could not because he did not have a diploma from the Gymnasium. But there was a solution to this problem over the Alps, in Zurich, there was The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology which did not require a diploma to attend.

Organizational culture is very important in the pursuit of innovation, which is the major source of competitive advantage in the world today. Organizational culture is central to a company’s pursuit of innovation because it refers to the beliefs, values, attitudes, tradition and overall practices within and without an organization (Hill & Jones, 2001). If the culture of the organization permits creative thinking and entrepreneurship, then innovation can certainly flourish. If the organizational culture, however, is very strict and adheres too much to its cherished traditions, routines and way of doing things, then innovation may be stifled and the organization will just rely on what has been tried and tested before. Such culture of adherence to past successes and ways of doing things will be inimical to the performance of the organization in the long run. As new factors, trends and issues in the market appear, the organization should continue to innovate and seek for ways to deliver better products and services that their clients will patronize.

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose of Risk Management 1.1.1 Knowing and Controlling Risks to Project Assets The process of Risk Management instituted tothe Project with knowledge and control over the risk position of the project. Not all identified risks can be removed. The likelihood of surpassing requirements can be traded off against the risk of surpassing the budget constraints. Risk Management is a process used to balance the project risk position across all project resource areas, controlling the distribution and magnitude of the identified risks against the cost constraints while obtaining the best possible confidence in achieving high project performance return. 1.2 Risk Management is a Project Team Effort 1.2.1 Integral Part of Project Implementation It is intended that Risk Management be an essential element in the Project Manager’s tool kit. This involves considering risk at the very beginning of the project conceptualization. The key features of risk management (RM) activity within the project are: 1.

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